January 1, 0001

 |             |       |                  |                  |                  |                  |   | 
 | RCRD Header |  USA  | Operation Record | Operation Record | Operation Record | Operation record |...| 
 |             |       |                  |                  |                  |                  |   | 
0x00          0x28    0x40                                                                         0x1000
 Operation Record                                                                                        
 |                      |                                                                              | 
 |  LFS Record Header   |   Client data                                                                | 
 |                      |                                                                              | 
                                           Update Sequence Array                                         
                                        |    |    |    |    |    |                                       
                                        |    |    |    |    |    |                                       
                                                |   |    |    |                                          
                                                |   |    |    +-----------------------------------+      
                   +----------------------------+   |    |                                        |      
                   |                                |    |                                        |      
                   |                           +----+    +---------------+                        |      
                   |                           |                         |                        |      
                   |                           |                         |                        |      
                   v                           v                         v                        v      
0x00             0x1e                        0x3fe                     0x5fe                    0x7fe    
 |                 |    |                      |    |                    |    |                   |    | 
 |  BEFORE FIXUP   |abcd|                      |abcd|                    |abcd|                   |abcd| 
 |                 |    |                      |    |                    |    |                   |    | 
 |                 |    |                      |    |                    |    |                   |    | 
 |  AFTER FIXUP    |0123|                      |4567|                    |89ab|                   |cdef| 
 |                 |    |                      |    |                    |    |                   |    | 

XXX: From cntfs/ntfslog.h

typedef struct _MULTI_SECTOR_HEADER {

    // Space for a four-character signature

    UCHAR Signature[4];

    // Offset to Update Sequence Array, from start of structure.  The Update
    // Sequence Array must end before the last USHORT in the first "sector"
    // of size SEQUENCE_NUMBER_STRIDE.  (I.e., with the current constants,
    // the sum of the next two fields must be <= 510.)

    USHORT UpdateSequenceArrayOffset;

    // Size of Update Sequence Array (from above formula)

    USHORT UpdateSequenceArraySize;


typedef struct _LFS_RECORD_PAGE_HEADER {

    //  Cache multisector protection header.

    MULTI_SECTOR_HEADER MultiSectorHeader;

    union {

        //  Highest Lsn in this log file page.  This field is only for
        //  regular log pages.

        LSN LastLsn;

        //  Log file offset.  This is for the tail copies and indicates the
        //  location in the file where the original lays.  In this case the
        //  LastLsn field above can be obtained from the last ending Lsn
        //  field in the PACKED_RECORD_PAGE structure.

        LONGLONG FileOffset;

    } Copy;

    //  Page Header Flags.  These are the same flags that are stored in the
    //  Lbcb->Flags field.
    //      LOG_PAGE_LOG_RECORD_END     -   Page contains the end of a log record

    ULONG Flags;

    //  I/O Page Position.  The following fields are used to determine
    //  where this log page resides within a Lfs I/O transfer.

    USHORT PageCount;
    USHORT PagePosition;

    //  The following is the difference between version 1.1 and earlier.

    union {


    } Header;


#define LOG_PAGE_LOG_RECORD_END             (0x00000001)

#define LFS_UNPACKED_RECORD_PAGE_HEADER_SIZE        (                               \
    FIELD_OFFSET( LFS_RECORD_PAGE_HEADER, Header.Unpacked.UpdateSequenceArray )     \

#define LFS_PACKED_RECORD_PAGE_HEADER_SIZE          (                               \
    FIELD_OFFSET( LFS_RECORD_PAGE_HEADER, Header.Packed.UpdateSequenceArray )       \

//  Log Record Header.  This is the header that begins every Log Record in
//  the log file.

typedef struct _LFS_RECORD_HEADER {

    //  Log File Sequence Number of this log record.

    LSN ThisLsn;

    //  The following fields are used to back link Lsn's.  The ClientPrevious
    //  and ClientUndoNextLsn fields are used by a client to link his log
    //  records.

    LSN ClientPreviousLsn;
    LSN ClientUndoNextLsn;

    //  The following field is the size of data area for this record.  The
    //  log record header will be padded if necessary to fill to a 64-bit
    //  boundary, so the client data will begin on a 64-bit boundary to
    //  insure that all of his data is 64-bit aligned.  The below value
    //  has not been padded to 64 bits however.

    ULONG ClientDataLength;

    //  Client ID.  This identifies the owner of this log record.  The owner
    //  is uniquely identified by his offset in the client array and the
    //  sequence number associated with that client record.

    LFS_CLIENT_ID ClientId;

    //  This the Log Record type.  This could be a commit protocol record,
    //  a client restart area or a client update record.

    LFS_RECORD_TYPE RecordType;

    //  Transaction ID.  This is used externally by a client (Transaction
    //  Manager) to group log file entries.

    TRANSACTION_ID TransactionId;

    //  Log record flags.

    USHORT Flags;

    //  Alignment field.

    USHORT AlignWord;


typedef enum _NTFS_LOG_OPERATION {

    Noop =                         0x00, //
    CompensationLogRecord =        0x01, //
    InitializeFileRecordSegment =  0x02, //  FILE_RECORD_SEGMENT_HEADER
    DeallocateFileRecordSegment =  0x03, //
    WriteEndOfFileRecordSegment =  0x04, //  ATTRIBUTE_RECORD_HEADER
    CreateAttribute =              0x05, //  ATTRIBUTE_RECORD_HEADER
    DeleteAttribute =              0x06, //
    UpdateResidentValue =          0x07, //  (value)
    UpdateNonresidentValue =       0x08, //  (value)
    UpdateMappingPairs =           0x09, //  (value = mapping pairs bytes)
    DeleteDirtyClusters =          0x0A, //  array of LCN_RANGE
    SetNewAttributeSizes =         0x0B, //  NEW_ATTRIBUTE_SIZES
    AddIndexEntryRoot =            0x0C, //  INDEX_ENTRY
    DeleteIndexEntryRoot =         0x0D, //  INDEX_ENTRY
    AddIndexEntryAllocation =      0x0E, //  INDEX_ENTRY
    DeleteIndexEntryAllocation =   0x0F, //  INDEX_ENTRY
    WriteEndOfIndexBuffer =        0x10, //  INDEX_ENTRY
    SetIndexEntryVcnRoot =         0x11, //  VCN
    SetIndexEntryVcnAllocation =   0x12, //  VCN
    UpdateFileNameRoot =           0x13, //  DUPLICATED_INFORMATION
    UpdateFileNameAllocation =     0x14, //  DUPLICATED_INFORMATION
    SetBitsInNonresidentBitMap =   0x15, //  BITMAP_RANGE
    ClearBitsInNonresidentBitMap = 0x16, //  BITMAP_RANGE
    HotFix =                       0x17, //
    EndTopLevelAction =            0x18, //
    PrepareTransaction =           0x19, //
    CommitTransaction =            0x1A, //
    ForgetTransaction =            0x1B, //
    OpenNonresidentAttribute =     0x1C, //  OPEN_ATTRIBUTE_ENTRY+ATTRIBUTE_NAME_ENTRY
    OpenAttributeTableDump =       0x1D, //  OPEN_ATTRIBUTE_ENTRY array
    AttributeNamesDump =           0x1E, //  (all attribute names)
    DirtyPageTableDump =           0x1F, //  DIRTY_PAGE_ENTRY array
    TransactionTableDump =         0x20, //  TRANSACTION_ENTRY array
    UpdateRecordDataRoot =         0x21, //  (value)
    UpdateRecordDataAllocation =   0x22  //  (value)